MECHATROLINK is a fieldbus to connect a controller like an machine controller(MC), or robot controller with field devices ......
Through the observation and analysis of the motion trajectory of spiral winding motion for slen-der legless biological c......
End to end motion control is a new paradigm for mobile robots,it maps sensors output to motion control commands directly......
Motion Control of Virtual Human Based on Optical Motion Capture in Immersive Virtual Maintenance Sys
The application of immersive virtual maintenance technology can find the problems of the products in the process of desi......
基于CORTEX M4主控芯片GD32F450I, 通过采用三次多项式方式, 完成千分度云台的路径规划, 从而减小运动中的冲击和振动, 提高云台的......
A comprehensive review on bio-inspired fish robots has been done in this article with an enhanced focus on swimming styl......